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The Expert Collective (TEC) developed a For the Love of Youth Project (FLY) that provides underrepresented and newcomer students in high school or attending post-secondary education programs in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories (NWT), Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia after-school programs such as tutoring, counselling and other social supports to help them stay in school, graduate on time and go on to post-secondary education.
The project’s specific objectives are to:
Increase the student's engagement in their studies;
Help students build strong social networks through athletics, support services and peer-based activities;
Help students set educational and career-related goals; and
Improve students’ knowledge and access to technologies and related training.
Target Student Population
Junior High School Students
Senior High School Students
College Students
Vocational/Trade Students
University Students
Who are:
visible minority and racialized students
newcomer students (landed in Canada within the last five years)
students with disabilities
indigenous students
students from low-income households based on the 2020 and 2021 Notice of Assessment
students identifying as two-spirited, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer and questioning (2SLGBTQ+),
students experiencing or at risk of homelessness
students from Official Language Minority Communities (French-speaking)
Project Duration
August 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023
Programs and Services
A. Educational and After-School Support Funding Assistance
Financial assistance for after-school sports registration fees
Distribution of sports equipment (1000 students)
Water bottle
Duffel bags
Dry-fit shirts
Meal vouchers
Distribution of educational needs to eligible student recipients
Textbooks, Bus passes, Scientific or graphic calculators (800 students)
Chromebooks (1000 students)
FLY Academic Scholarships (200 Awardees)
Most Punctual (students attending Tutoring Services)
Best Attendance (students attending Tutoring Services)
Academic Improvement (students attending Tutoring Services)
Student-Athlete Academic Achiever (maintained or improved their grades while participating in school sports)
Best FLY Student Mentor (exhibited strong leadership skills)
Financial Assistance for Students with Disabilities
​Assistive Equipment
B. After-School Supports and Activities
Basketball 3x3 Winter Camps
Facilitated by Dinos University of Calgary
Participation Awards
Free Meal
Tutoring Services
One-on-one or Group Academic Tutoring
Online or In-Person Support
Courses: Math, English, Science, Social Studies, and University Courses
Student Peer Support
Exclusive/Private student online forum
Career Coaching
Assistance for post-secondary school selection and application
Student Loan Application
Academic Scholarship Application
Services for Students with Disabilities
​In-Office Employment
Transportation Allowance
After-School Learning Sessions with invited Expert/Guest Speakers for topics on:
“Empowering Student-Athlete Holistic Wellness”
“Finding Life Balance Between School and Work”
"Students' Applications for Student Loans"
Student scholarship applications
Post-secondary school selections and registrations
Free meals while participating in the session
Hybrid digital literacy workshop on essential online tools, including, but not limited to:
Microsoft Suite and Adobe Acrobat
FLY Exhibitor at Immigration and Career Fairs in:
FLY Recognition Day
Showcasing of students’ cultural talents
Awarding of scholarships
Certificate of Participation
Volunteer Awards
Free Lunch