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Writer's pictureRJ Taylor

FLY's Wave of Change: Outreach by the FLY Project, in B.C. demonstrates positive change

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

Every so often, there comes a moment when a movement has the opportunity to make a tangible difference. For FLY (For the Love of Youth), an organization devoted to empowering youth, that moment has arrived in B.C. Through a series of recent outreach initiatives, FLY has stepped up its game to influence and shape the lives of the youth positively.

July 4, 2023. B.C. Canada. Students intently filling out required forms for regestration. Photo: Bohdan Klimchuk

FLY's mission is clear: to advocate for underrepresented and newcomer youth across Canada by empowering them with the tools they need to succeed. The recent outreach in B.C. has shone a light on this mission, demonstrating FLY's commitment to nurturing the next generation.

A Grassroots Movement

In its initial stages, the outreach program focused on grassroots activities, bringing together a diverse group of youths across the province of Alberta. These activities included local mentorship programs and educational workshops that aimed to instil a sense of confidence and awareness. The ripple effect of these actions was profound, as they impacted not only the individual participants but also their wider communities.

July 4, 2023. B.C. Canada. Lisa De Leon, FLY Project Director, guiding student athletes through the registration process. Photo: Bohdan Klimchuk

Shaping Future Leaders

Recognizing that today's youth are tomorrow's leaders, FLY also launched a series of leadership workshops. These workshops centred on teaching practical skills such as problem-solving, communication, decision-making, and teamwork. The workshops became an open forum for youths to share their ideas, brainstorm solutions, and actively contribute to the decision-making process in their own futures.

July 4, 2023. B.C. Canada. FLY Parents, volunteers, and staff all making a difference in the lives of youth. Photo: Bohdan Klimchuk

Digital Transformation

In a rapidly evolving digital world, ensuring that the youth are well-equipped to thrive is paramount. Hence, FLY's outreach extended to providing digital literacy training. These initiatives included digital software literacy workshops and seminars on online safety. By doing so, FLY has shown a commitment to helping the youth adapt to the digital age.

July 4, 2023. B.C. Canada. Breaking the digital divide. Deserving youth recieve their laptops. Photo: Bohdan Klimchuk

Making Mental Health a Priority

Lastly, in response to the growing mental health crisis among the youth, FLY provided resources and support through a mental health initiative. This initiative took a holistic approach to wellness but also workshops on mindfulness, stress management, and resilience building. The impact was twofold: it helped individuals cope while spreading awareness and understanding about mental health.

July 4, 2023. B.C. Canada. FLY staff, Bea Gan and Rizza Sarabia. Photo: Bohdan Klimchuk


FLY's recent outreach in B.C. has been nothing short of transformative. The organization's multifaceted approach – focusing on grassroots activities, leadership development, digital literacy, and mental health – indicates an understanding of the complex and diverse needs of today's youth. Through this extensive outreach, FLY is not only shaping the individual lives of the youth but also paving the way for a more engaged, empathetic, and proactive future generation. It truly epitomizes the phrase, "For the love of youth".

July 4, 2023. B.C. Canada. Student athlete fills out FLY registration form. Photo: Bohdan Klimchuk


For the Love of Youth (FLY) services are free and funded by the Government of Canada's Supports for Student Learning Program (SSLP).

FLY is committed to providing high-quality support to students, families, and educators who need it most. Our team is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment for students to learn and grow.

Learn more about the For the Love of Youth (FLY) Project.



Instagram: @for.theloveofyouth

135 views2 comments


Jul 11, 2023

I didn't receive my laptop was really excited for one 🥺


Jul 11, 2023

I did not got my laptop🥺

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